The company’s top priority is the security of our shipments. We thoroughly researched and implemented the most advanced telematics technologies and interfaces for both tractors and trailers with a reefer unit.
What is safety? It’s a freedom from risk. The condition of being protected from danger or injury.
At Divine, we ensure safety through a multi-pronged approach of investment into vigorous training, a robust implementation of safety measures and regular inspections.
Divine Enterprises’ safety department continuously monitors our Safety Measurement System (SMS) score, which empowers our company to make safety-based business decisions.
Utilizing the latest equipment models allows us to provide high-quality service while simultaneously reducing downtime and increasing our on-time delivery rate to 97.5%.
This was accomplished via
In 2013, we developed a major fleet upgrade program with the goal to replace current tractors and trailers with the most advanced equipment available.
The execution of this program was successful and results far exceeded expectations.
The fleet upgrade directly translated into a
We continue to obtain brand new equipment annually.
Divine Enterprises is based in California, which has the strictest regulations for air pollution in the United States. Our company is in compliance with all federal and state regulations.
Divine Enterprises developed and implemented a driver award program for fuel efficiency achievements. Through this program and our updated equipment, the company reduced fleet-wide fuel consumption, which directly translates to CO2 emission reduction.
EPA Smartway has certified and classified Divine Enterprises into: